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Chepelare - Procotsani - Interreg Greece-Bulgaria

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Chepelare Museum of Skiing

Located in Chepelare
The Ski and Ski Sports Museum in Chepelare is one of a kind in Bulgaria. It is located in the building of the Rhodope Spark Community Center in the city. It was discovered in 1998 after the great Bulgarian biathlete Ekaterina Dafovska won a gold medal in Nagano at the Winter Olympics.
It is this Olympic title that underlies the initiative to open such a museum in the city. The idea is of Dimitar Raychev. Former and current skiers, the Municipality of Chepelare and the town's ski factory are among the first donors and founders of the museum.
The museum fund of over 700 different exhibits (cups, medals, photos and more) shows the development of winter sports and skiing in the region and the sports history of individuals who contributed to the development of skiing and the city as a ski center.
Visitors have the opportunity to learn many interesting facts related to some of the most successful Bulgarian sportsmen in winter sports - Ekaterina Dafovska, Shinka Kutsinova, Krustana Stoeva, Borislav Kiryakov, Radoslav Yankov, Dimitar Gerdzhikov and others, from the old and the young generation, who recorded the names its in the golden pages of native and world skiing history.